Our Working Committee of Time Project Teachers met today for the third time to track our progress as we develop lesson plans for our 25th ANNIVERSARY of TIME PROJECT! Another 3 hours of planning covered everything from how educators will use our new Google Drive to how we will contact UNESCO Secretaries in various countries to promote the project. Our next meeting is scheduled for August 27th 2020. We were thrilled to be joined today by Time Project Founder Dr. Wim Didderen of the Netherlands. He brought a whole new energy to the table as well as a wealth of ideas. His recount of the early days of Time Project inspired the team and we are honoured that he remains an integral part of the Time Project Planning Team!
Our goal is to give you everything you need to run TIME PROJECT and make it not only easy but easily accessible. A big thank you to Meimei Mary Shih from Taiwan, Dr. Vinibha Illankovan from India, Suzana Delic from Croatia, Renata Radzikowska from Poland , and Joe Sheik from Canada who along with founder Dr. Wim Didderen of the Netherlands all attended and contributed to the new plans for the 25th ANNIVERSARY OF UNESCO’s TIME PROJECT. Poor Zlatan Soldo from Croatia who was on holidays in a mountainous region and Nikolaos Nerantzis from Greece who both struggled with wifi and couldn’t attend, we missed your input and look forward to your added ideas to the google working document.
Our newest ideas coming out of today’s sessions include the development of a virtual Time Museum. We have some very special plans to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of this project. Whether your school takes place on line this fall or in the class, the TIME PROJECT curriculum will work for you!

It is Mid August and so Registration for the 25th Anniversary of UNESCO’s TIME PROJECT is nearly HERE. To request our Education kit filled with the activities we have planned for this year, and the registration form email us at timeproject01@yahoo.ca Ask for the registration packages which will be available mid august along with our new curriculum. A Week In Time Nov 27- Dec 4th 2020 all on line, all ready for your students to explore. See you soon In TIME!