Unite the Nations is one of the ONLY international research competitions where the students themselves create the test. In our past students pick those topics and sources of pride to share and invite students around the world to explore and to discover. We really do unite as nations when we share the best of ourselves in this manner in fun loving competition. As this was our 25th Anniversary the organizers of Time had a special Test designed. We took questions that students had made over the past 24 years to use for this test. For the first time in 24 years students had to answer questions from their own country since those questions were designed by other students years ago. The test included 325 questions representing 61 different countries. 32 Schools participated in this test representing 16 of the 22 countries in this year’s project.
Congratulations to Gimnazija Bjelovar, Bjelovar, Croatia for coming in FIRST for their FIRST time in Unite the Nations narrowly defeating the second place schools by only 0.6% or 3 more correct answers!
TIED for Second Lord Elgin Public School, London, Canada, and the Affiliated High School of Chung-Hsing University, Taichung City, Taiwan. Narrowly passing the third place schools by only 1% or four more correct answers!
TIED for Third, Srednja škola Mate Blažine Labin, Labin, Croatia and Geodetska skola, Zagreb, Croatia.
Fourth Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace Nr VIII, Wroclaw, Poland
Fifth Liceul Teoretic Special “Iris” Timișoara, Romania
Honourable mention to the next 5 schools
Vaels International School, Chennai, India.
Lawrence S. Ting School, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Vels Vidyashram Senior School, Thalamur, India
Buca Municipality Kızılçullu Science and Art Center Izmir, Turkey
Szinyei Merse Pál Gimnázium Budapest, Hungary
The test was particularly challenging this year with only the top 5 schools scoring in the 80s percentile. However the vast majority of schools scored in the 70s percentile and no one failed the test this year. We wanted to give special mention to the many schools who participated with their students working from home. The challenge may have been to collaborate from afar but the joy was in doing an annual event that we all love despite the covid virus – we didn’t let that defeat us. Remember Time Project Stands with our fellow educators around the world who are on the front lines teaching face to face during the pandemic or battling to ensure quality education while teaching remotely. This has been one of the hardest in our profession and TIME PROJECT salutes each of you.
Congratulations to all of our Unite the Nations Participants and to all TIME SCHOOLS both off and on line for an excellent 25th Anniversary week and Day in TIME!