On behalf of the amazing team of Time Project Ambassadors Meimei Shih, Renata Radzikowska, Suzana Delic, Vinibha Illankovan, Marijana Smlcec and myself Joe Sheik, we would like to welcome you to UNSECO’s Time Project 2023 “This Is Our Time.”
You are one of 92 different schools in 35 different countries. This year thanks to our friends at Global School Alliance we welcome a number of new and returning countries to Time… Sierra Leone, Uganda, Brazil, Peru, Ukraine, Nigeria, United Kingdom to name a few. You have joined a network that spans 28 years of on line education and that plans for 28 more years to come. Next Time day is tentatively scheduled for November 2024 with registration beginning Sept 2024.. Please check the website and or email us here to let us know you intend to register once again.
Unite the Nations
Our 24 hour research project written by students for students. If you were 1 of the 21 schools in 12 different countries to submit your questions you have received a copy of the test in your email at 00:00 GMT Dec 8th… IF you have not please email us here right away. For those involved have a great day researching and learning about each other.
Global Youth ForumYour students have chosen from
Artificial Intelligence Pros and Cons,
Rising Temperature of the Planet
The Global Refugee Crisis
Original Student Art work From MAHSA University, Malaysia
You are now 1 of 34 different schools preparing for a day of sharing through the Global Youth Forum Show and Share, House of Commons Debates, Model United Nations. If you need another partner check the GMT Bar graph https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DWhQ1Cy7KHXsELcm2R8N0GJk3j1SBtjU/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106911712941922634236&rtpof=true&sd=true
If you want our Director Joe Sheik to attend a conference please email him here to book a time.
Life Time Achievement AwardAt 01:00 AM GMT we are honouring a retired educator who has been a mentor, leader, builder and friend of Time for over 2 decades. Please Join us on ZOOMat 01:00 AM GMT TIME PROJECT: LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT PRESENTATIONhttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/4155019206?pwd=d0R5U2FxaWJDQUNXa0t0V010VHk2Zz09&omn=87545372222Please join us and invite your students if they are not yet at school to join us from home. The more we have to surprise our Honouree with the better.
Document your day, send in pictures, post them on our facebook site, send in projects, student work etc.. to Time Headquarters and we will work throughout the day to post to the website and social media.
I know we are opening the day but I wanted to remind you to work through this amazing day while thinking about that final report. The sooner you send in your final report the sooner we send YOU your certifications.
Future Events
Time Project will be organizing a Model UN event in February/March 2024 stay tuned for details ,email us if you are interested in participating. Time Project will be sponsoring the annual Earth Day Mega Conference…stay tuned for more on this as well.
On Behalf of TIME PROJECT and all of our members, WELCOME TO TIME DAY 2023..
From your friend in Canada
Joe Sheik
Director Time Project.