Each year some schools will choose to do the Off Line or Asynchronous activities. We are featuring some fo those here as part of the on going showcase of student work in TIME Project. Two Schools one in Greece the other in Romania.
6th Primary School of Agia Paraskevi in Greece is one such school. Their teacher Katerina Dimou is a long standing Time Project teacher who annually finds new ways to teach her children about the concept of TIME and about how to express their own thoughts around the concept. This is was their day in TIME.
1. Selfie with the students of 5th grade
2. Clock design of emotional clocks with the students of 3rd grade
3. Lesson on Time Zones and learning how to convert time according to the country we want.
4. National celebrations . Students of 4th grade present our two national celebrations and draw our flag.
5. Think global, act local. Students of 5th grade present the animals of Greece which are in danger. They also made some artcraft.
Congratulations on the excellent work around TIME and many of our asynchronous activities. We hope next year you explore our latest asynchronous activity- sharing of your culture, traditions, and foods.
Another school heavily involved in Asynchronous TIME this year was LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC TOMA SOCOLESCU PLOIEȘTI from Romania. Lead by their teacher Alina Balan, 60 students engaged in a wide variety of activities. One of which, the sharing of their culture and traditions featured some uniquely Romania Crafts. This video highlights their efforts.