TIME INVITES you and your students to join our project’s Special ONE DAY EVENT – A MODEL UN ACTIVITY. https://forms.gle/XHGXYTK35xiaczjE8 Since 1995 Time Project has brought students together to discuss current issues around Human Rights, Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice. We are connected to the SDG’s and our students participate in MODEL UN conferences via Video Conferencing. TIME PROJECT Special event takes place on ONE DAY in TIME . The MODEL UN event is March 7th 2024. We invite you to register your students ages 101 19 NOW at https://forms.gle/XHGXYTK35xiaczjE8 or email us at timeprojectHQ@gmail.com for more information. Join us in our 29th year of on line international dialogue and cooperation. Not sure how to run a MODEL UN? We provide with all of the information and on going support you need to participate. Register Today.