During a 24-hour learning marathon, schools from all time zones and both hemispheres are simultaneously online. The activities Time offers are the interactive game “Unite the Nations” , “Classroom Twinning – Commentary Activity” , “Model United Nations” , “House of Commons Debates”, multipoint “ Show and Share Video Conferences”
For a more detailed description of all of the Activities email to request a copy of the activity booklet and registration form.
Global Youth Forum
Books, the internet and the media show and teach us a lot about other countries and its peoples. But it is in meeting and interacting with people from a country when a culture comes to life. Global Youth Forum offers youth the unique opportunity to meet their peers ‘face to face’ through a live video-link between two or multiple schools. Through face to face video conferences Time enables youth not only to get to know each other, but more so sets up and ‘broadcasts’ a live debate between youth on current world issues. These broadcasts come in a variety of platforms. The Global Youth Forum a show and share debate over a topic has been one of the most popular over the year. The House of Commons debate challenges students to research and debate their own opinion around various layers of a specific topic. However, one of our most innovative methods of the past few years is our Time Project Model United Nations. (TPMUN)
Time Project: Model United Nations
Time Project was initiated by UNESCO as part of its Associated Schools Project Network. In keeping with our UNESCO roots running a Model UN seemed to make sense. MUN involves and teaches participants speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities. TPMUN is meant to engage students and allow them to develop deeper understanding into current world issues. We assign participating schools 3 countries to represent and a chair person role. One of the three topics of the year is used as the basis for a draft resolution. When two or more schools meet in a Model UN there are anywhere from 6 to 9 countries represented and all of the rules of a Model UN debate. Participants receive all of the support documents they need to learn about and participate in a Model UN. Email Time Amabassador Meimei Shih for more information about Model UN.
Unite the Nations
One of the most Popular Time Project of all time is the Unite the Nations Research Competition. It is an interactive game about and between countries, challenging students to take a closer look at their own culture as well as foreign cultures. It is one of the only competition made by students for students. Students create multiple choice questions on geography, history, social issues, arts and sports in their country. Within 24 hours they virtually ‘race’ against each other and time in answering questions on other countries. On Time Day you receive the test via email and answer the test – one submission per school. The winners are announced on our web site and the top 5 schools receive certification recognition as well much like the 25th Anniversary for Gimnaaija Bjelovar, Croatia’s First Place Certificate shown above.